Posted on 17 June, 2022.
Are you contemplating getting a toy land rover for your child? If so, check out these four benefits of ride-on cars for kids. There may be some you hadn't even considered!
Toy land rovers won’t move unless the child actually uses the controls themselves. This is great for fostering independence as the child will learn how to figure things out and explore their surrounding environment on their own (with adult supervision of course). This freedom means they are being encouraged to make their own decisions, which will only benefit them as they grow up.
Kids’ ride-on cars benefit both their fine motor skills and their gross motor skills. Although it might not be obvious at first, your child will learn how to control their limbs in order to move the toy, such as pressing down on the peddles with their feet and turning the steering wheel with their hands. Driving a ride-on toy will also require hand-eye coordination, and they’ll have to use their balance to keep the car upright, which might require movements they’re unfamiliar with.
Although there are plenty of indoor ride-on toys (think rocking horses) on the market, these remain stationary in the play room. Toy cars and land rovers get the kids out of the house, which not only benefits their health with fresh air and sunlight, but they’re also getting more exercise and staying active.
A ride-on car isn’t a toy that gets tossed to the side after a couple of days. You will most likely purchase a ride-on car with the view it will be used for years to come. As such, it’s important to teach your child how to look after the toy land rover to ensure it doesn’t get damaged or broken. This responsibility may translate to their other possessions too, helping them to realise that looking after their things will ensure they last for longer.
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